Koncepcje przestrzenne miast XXI wieku w aspekcie procesu starzenia się społeczeństw
The article attempts to define the concept of formation the twenty-first century urban structures under the influence of ageing population. In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published the “Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide”, which set out a vision of modern cities - tailored to the needs of all residents, regardless of age, with particular attention to the needs of the elderly people. In Europe in recent years, EU countries and the OECD have developed two concepts of ageing: active ageing and ageing in place. These concepts are crucial for the future development of European cities, as well as housing, services and transport. These two approaches offer a range of solutions for the creation of urban space. This article analyzes the above concepts of ageing and attempts to find specific examples that reflect these concepts in the context of formation the twenty-first century cities.
Nov 17, 2015
Feb 20, 2014
Edition name | Date |
Koncepcje przestrzenne miast XXI wieku w aspekcie procesu starzenia się spoełczeństw | Nov 17, 2015 |
Labus, Agnieszka
Labus, Agnieszka
Labus, Agnieszka
Labus, Agnieszka Kamiński, Zbigniew J. Promotor Niezabitowska, Elżbieta. Recenzent Perteka, Tomasz. Recenzent
Labus, Agnieszka Kamiński, Zbigniew J. Promotor Niezabitowska, Elżbieta. Recenzent Perteka, Tomasz. Recenzent
Labus, Agnieszka Kamiński, Zbigniew J. Promotor Perteka, Tomasz. Recenzent Niezabitowska, Elżbieta. Recenzent
Labus, Agnieszka