About repository

The Science Papers Repository of the Silesian University of Technology "RePolis" is a collection of scientific works deposited by employees of the Silesian University of Technology. As an institutional repository, the purpose of RePolis is to store and share all scientific publications and materials related to the scientific, research and teaching activities of university employees. Works posted in the repository are deposited independently by the author of the publication (self-archiving model) or through the librarian (mediated deposit model).

All employees and PhD students of the Silesian University of Technology have the right to deposit scientific materials in RePolis. Previously published works (in accordance with the publisher's policy) and unpublished works can be deposited in RePolis, including research reports, teaching materials, projects, translations and others. The deposited document cannot violate the copyrights of third parties.

Searching the repository's resources is possible for everyone without restrictions, but some of the collections are subject to copyright protection. In such a case, access to the content of the publication is limited to computers located in the library network or academic network. Information on the level of access to the publication is included in its description (in the place: access).

The activities of RePolis are regulated by Ordinance No. 106/2022 of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology of 6 June 2022 on digital collections created at the Silesian University of Technology and on providing access to doctoral dissertations and diploma theses, and the principles of using RePolis resources are included in the RePolis Regulations.

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