The models of the Gliwice city structure are the result of a semester work carried out in an international team of female students and teachers. Classes were conducted in the PBL (project based learning) formula, i.e. teaching through the implementation of a joint venture. The originator of the series of classes, each edition of which ends with an exhibition, public presentation and publication, is Dr. Eng. arch. Tomasz Bradecki. The publication was created thanks to the cooperation with the city of Gliwice and the Silesian University of Technology and the support of partners: GAPR, iDreams, GZM, and EMT-Systems. The work contains a number of analyzes of the structure of the city of Gliwice, among others analysis of the structure of road and public transport, analysis according to the Kevin Lynch method or analysis of the share of built-up area. Some of the analyzes were carried out with the use of proprietary spatial models. Particular attention was paid to the areas of New Gliwice and the Academic District, which can be considered developmental and strategic for the city due to their role and potential. The selected analyzes were mapped in the form of physical mockups. They were made with the Styrocad Machine belonging to the Faculty of Architecture. The publication uses, inter alia, GIS software, 3D modeling tools, drone photography and 360 degree panoramic photography application. Applications were also used that allow the models to be experienced in augmented and virtual reality. Mapping urban spaces and the data that describe them with the help of models should be considered useful in the didactic process and for the presentation of large areas. The publication contains references to models that can play an informative role in spatial orientation in larger urban areas.
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. ; Dymarska, Natalia. Red. ; Sanigórska, Marta. Red. ; doi:10.34918/83377
Wydział Architektury. Politechnika Śląska
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Jan 16, 2023
Jun 17, 2022
Białas, Paweł Borowiecka, Magdalena Bradecki, Tomasz Bryłka, Kamil Chudy, Klaudia Ciebień, Michał Klyta, Marcin Kowalski, Dominik Kurowska, Justyna Majchrzak, Kamil Staroń, Grzegorz Szostak, Wiktoria Zalewska, Dominika Zbrzeźniak, Katarzyna Zych, Paulina Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. Borowiecka, Magdalena. Red.
Aleksiuk, Szymon Amistadi, Lamberto Barczyk, Zuzanna Berges, Leo Biela, Kinga Bradecki, Tomasz Camiz, Alessandro Chodzidło, Judyta Cichoń, Dorota Czech, Sandra Gyurkovich, Mateusz Janosz, Agata Jodłowska, Hanna Jodziewicz, Radosław Kafka, Krzysztof Kassowski, Szymon Kotarska, Katarzyna Krupa, Jakub Ludwig, Jakub Łukasik, Jakub Magiera, Aleksandra Majsak, Magdalena Maśka, Tomasz Mazur, Anna Miszczak, Paulina Moksik, Patrycja Mól, Błażej Mynarska, Magdalena Petrova, Yoanna Skoczylas, Mateusz Stalica, Adam Strzemińska, Ewelina Szczygłowski, Rafał Szlauer, Wiktoria Wasik, Małgorzata Wąsińska, Karolina Zembaty, Oliwia Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. Kafka, Krzysztof. Red. Ludwig, Jakub. Red. Mól, Błażej. Red.
Bal, Daria Barańska, Aleksandra Baron, Marcin Bradecki, Tomasz Brol, Monika Burzyk, Paulina Deksymer, Aleksandra Dymarska, Natalia Gdula, Igor Jodłowska, Hanna Klekotka, Marta Kokoszka, Wiktoria Kotarska, Katarzyna Krzystanek, Roksana Krzyśka, Zuzanna Kurek, Natalia Majorek-Gdula, Agnieszka Mazur, Anna Miszczak, Paulina Mól, Błażej Mularczyk, Izabela Mynarska, Magdalena Nowak, Justyna Rosikoń, Oskar Sanigórska, Marta Sikora, Magdalena Siudyka, Paulina Strzemińska, Ewelina Supron, Karolina Szydło, Wiktoria Wasik, Małgorzata Wąsińska, Karolina Widzisz-Pronobis, Sylwia Zadorożna, Anna Zembaty, Oliwia Bal, Daria. Red. Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. Mól, Błażej. Red. Sanigórska, Marta. Red.
Bal, Daria Barańska, Aleksandra Bradecki, Tomasz Brol, Monika Dymarska, Natalia Klekotka, Marta Kotarska, Katarzyna Sanigórska, Marta Stachura, Julia Wasik, Małgorzata Wąsińska, Karolina Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. Dymarska, Natalia. Red. Sanigórska, Marta. Red.
Bradecki, Tomasz Stangel, Michał
Bradecki, Tomasz
Bal, Daria Bradecki, Tomasz Brzozowska, Karolina Elsner, Klaudia Grzechnik, Wiktoria Kotulek, Martyna Kowalski, Dominik Opania, Szymon Pawlus, Wiktoria Sanigórska, Marta Zych, Paulina Bradecki, Tomasz. Red. Opania, Szymon. Red.
Oleszek, Sylwester Wyleżoł, Marek. Promotor Pokojski, Jerzy. Recenzent Wróbel, Ireneusz. Recenzent