A particularly important and topical issue in contemporary urban planning and urban design is to prevent the current climate threat. The scale of the problem and the forecast of the effects of climate change are shown in the publication of numerous research centers such as NASA and the IPCC. The Report of a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees relative to the preindustrial era has shaken public opinion, however, a less optimistic scenario assumes an increase of 3 degrees. Local governments often face the challenge of rapid and effective response to the effects of climate change. Adaptation strategies to climate change have been developed at the EU level since 2009, in which the so-called White Paper has been passed, recognized as one of the first documents to define goals and measures, and on the national (Polish) level from around 2010. On the basis of strategic documents and research of scientific institutions, many local government units adopt programs aimed at implementing specific solutions. In the light of climate reports, it turns out that one of the most sensitive areas to climate change is water management. Therefore, effective adaptation measures include those aimed at rational management of rainwater. As a result, there are created comprehensive adaptation programs focusing on various sectors of the economy. Some of them are based on elements such as: green infrastructure, support for biodiversity or the implementation of activities in the field of blue-green infrastructure and the idea of "sponge city". They have been analyzed by the authors in terms of their usefulness and compliance with higher level documents. The aim of the study was to look at what actions are undertaken by cities in order to implement adaptation postulates. Selected activities undertaken by local government units of the cities of Olsztyn, Bydgoszcz and Gdańsk were analyzed. For educational purposes there are prepared information brochures for investors, residents and officials. They present the available tools and methods for sustainable rainwater management and increasing the city's resilience to the effects of climate change by increasing retention based on natural-based solutions. Equally important are the projects themselves, which is why another objective of the research was to analyze the implementation for compliance with the stated goal of increasing the retained water and adaptation to climate change of the city. The research methodology is based on deskresearch and indirect inventory. A representative example of the research carried out is the implementation of the programs: "Rainwater management systems in the city of Olsztyn" and „Expansion of the rainwater management system in the city of Olsztyn”. The authors conclude that the adopted programs and strategies, as well as the implemented investments, are examples of both beneficial measures to improve water retention in the city, but unfortunately, they are also examples of "tools" to raise funds for investments, there are many in which rainwater is treated as sewage and still go directly to the sewage system.
Baza Wiedzy PŚ ; IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1203/3/032103 ; oai:repolis.bg.polsl.pl:73361
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, Vol. 1203, No. 3, Pap. 2103
Wydział Architektury. Politechnika Śląska
Mar 10, 2022
Mar 7, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Analysis of Water Retention Possibilities Based on Programs, Strategies and Selected Projects in Poland | Mar 10, 2022 |
Gama Marques, Paulina Sensuła, Barbara. Red. Krykowski, Tomasz. Red. Sierpiński, Grzegorz. Red.
Banach-Wiśniewska, Anna Babilas, Dorota Barbusiński, Krzysztof Barchańska, Hanna Bartela, Łukasz Belok, Janusz Bodzek, Krzysztof Brągoszewska, Ewa Buliński, Zbigniew Cema, Grzegorz Choiński, Dariusz Ciukaj, Szymon Ciuman, Piotr Cornik, Dawid Ćwiertniewicz-Wojciechowska, Magdalena Danek, Magdalena Dawczyński, Szymon Dobosz, Krzysztof Drygała, Aleksandra Dudziak, Mariusz Dulak, Leszek Dydo, Piotr Ferdyn-Grygierek, Joanna Fice, Marcin Fornalczyk, Agnieszka Franke, Dawid Frania, Krystian P. Fross, Klaudiusz Gamoń, Filip Garbacz, Przemysław Gasidło, Krzysztof Gawor, Łukasz Gillner, Danuta Gnida, Anna Górski, Marcin Gruszka, Agata Grychowski, Tomasz Grygierek, Krzysztof Grzywnowicz, Krzysztof Gutwiński, Piotr Hąbek, Patrycja Hordyńska, Małgorzata Hryb, Wojciech Jakóbik-Kolon, Agata Jarek, Grzegorz Jarka, Paweł Jendruś, Rafał Kaczor, Zuzanna Kaczmarczyk, Zbigniew Kalisz, Sylwester Kamińska, Gabriela Karwot, Janusz Kasprzak, Marcin Katla, Daria Kierepka, Kamil Kluczka, Joanna Kłusek, Marzena Kocot, Henryk Kosman, Wojciech Kozielska, Barbara Kozioł, Michał Kozyra, Andrzej Krok, Roman Król, Małgorzata Krykowski, Krzysztof Krzywoń, Rafał Kubek, Paweł Kudlek, Edyta Kuzior, Aleksandra Landrat, Marcin Lepszy, Sebastian Lipczyńska, Aleksandra Lis, Mateusz Lukaszkowicz, Krzysztof Lutyński, Marcin Łukowicz, Henryk Maciak, Erwin Mainka, Anna Maj, Izabella Malcher, Andrzej Manowska, Anna Marciocha, Dorota Marcisz, Marek Marszałek-Kotzur, Izabela Matula, Grzegorz Metzger, Mieczysław Michalak, Jarosław Midor, Katarzyna Milewski, Andrzej Mitko, Krzysztof Musztyfaga-Staszuk, Małgorzata Mzyk, Tadeusz Nocoń, Witold Nowak, Grzegorz Nowoświat, Artur Ober, Józef Padewska-Jurczak, Agnieszka Pawełczyk, Sławomira Pawlyta, Jacek Pawlyta, Mirosława Peczkis, Grzegorz Pieczykolan, Barbara Płaza, Grażyna Płonka, Joanna Pośpiech, Jakub Piotrowska, Natalia Piotrowski, Krzysztof Płonka, Izabela Przybyła, Krzysztof Przygrodzki, Maksymilian Przypis, Marta Przystaś, Wioletta Puszczało, Ewa Remiorz, Leszek Rostański, Krzysztof Marek Różański, Zenon Rulik, Sebastian Rusin, Andrzej Rusin, Krzysztof Rybak, Aleksandra Rybak, Aurelia Sakiewicz, Piotr Saternus, Mariola Siudyga, Tomasz Skarka, Wojciech Skorek-Osikowska, Anna Słomka-Słupik, Barbara Sobek, Szymon Skupin, Piotr Sobieraj, Jakub Stanek, Bartosz Stangel, Michał Stebel, Krzysztof Steidl, Tomasz Stępień, Mariusz Stolecka, Katarzyna Strzałkowska, Ewa Suponik, Tomasz Surmacz-Górska, Joanna Szczygieł, Marcin Szindler, Magdalena Szindler, Marek Szojda, Leszek Szulc, Karolina Szymanowska-Gwiżdż, Agnieszka Ścierski, Waldemar Tański, Tomasz Tomala, Martyna Tomaszewski, Mariusz Tomiczek, Błażej Tomiczek, Krzysztof Trawiński, Tomasz Turek, Marian Turek-Szytow, Jolanta Walentyński, Ryszard Wandrasz, Andrzej Jan Werle, Sebastian Wiciak, Grzegorz Wiora, Józef Herbert Wielgus, Natalia Willner, Joanna Wiśniowski, Maciej Wnorowska, Joanna Wróblewski, Włodzimierz Wyczarska-Kokot, Joanna Zaik, Karolina Zajusz-Zubek, Elwira Ziembińska-Buczyńska, Aleksandra Zimoch, Piotr Zygmanowski, Marcin Żmudzińska-Nowak, Magdalena Żabczyński, Sebastian Werle, Sebastian. Red. Ferdyn-Grygierek, Joanna. Red. Szczygieł, Marcin. Red.
Wyczarska-Kokot, Joanna Dąbrowski, Wojciech. Recenzent Sawiniak, Waldemar. Recenzent Kuś, Karol. Promotor
Wyczarska-Kokot, Joanna Kuś, Karol. Promotor Dąbrowski, Wojciech. Recenzent Sawiniak, Waldemar. Recenzent
Michczyńska, Danuta Joanna Pazdur, Anna. Promotor Hercman, Helena. Recenzent Różański, Kazimierz. Recenzent
Opania, Szymon
Opania, Szymon Klemens, Janina. Promotor Bonenberg, Wojciech. Recenzent Zemła, Stefan. Recenzent
Pawełczyk, Sławomira Pazdur, Anna. Promotor Hałas, Stanisław. Recenzent Różański, Kazimierz. Recenzent