The optimal current in the non-ideal three-phase system with unsteady parameters
Title in Polish:Prąd optymalny w nieidealnym układzie trójfazowym z niestałymi parametrami
Creator: Abstract:This paper presents a description of three-phase system with unsteady parameters. The changes of loads represent potential changes resulting from their physical properties i.e. for arc furnaces. The changes of non-ideal source parameters can represent fluctuations of voltage and changes of source impedances resulting from switching in electrical networks. Parameters of the considered system are described as fuzzy numbers, and the main aim of the paper is to apply the optimisation technique called as fuzzy mathematical programming in order to determine the optimal currents of the system with minimal RMS values and to minimize power losses
Keywords:optimal current ; fuzzy sets ; unsteady parameters ; fuzzy mathematical programming
Description: Date: Format: Language: Relation:Faculty of Electrical Engineering Silesian University of Technology