Jarosz, Tomasz ; Brzeczek, Alina ; Walczak, Krzysztof ; Łapkowski, Mieczysław ; Domagała, Wojciech
Thin films of poly(3-dodecylpyrrole) have been found to yield multi-electrochromic characteristics. Optimisation of the polymer electrodeposition process enabled fabrication of layers exhibiting three distinct colourations at different oxidation levels. Coupled EPR-UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry enabled cor-relation of these colour changes with the formation and decay of polaron and bipolaron charge carriers, offering an insight into the mechanism of doping/dedoping processes taking place in this polymer. The ionisation potential of the polymer was found to be very low, with valence band edge located at -3.7 eV, explaining the relative oxidation ease of the polymer and accounting for an ample number of spins presentin the electrochemically dedoped polymer film. Maximum optical contrast of up to 15% and a visible light range averaged one of 10% was observed. Dynamic colour switching contrast of 10% is attainable at 5 s switching time, while switching steps as short as 0.5 s afford 6% contrast value. The fully oxidised polymer features broad UV-Vis absorption, making the system an interesting candidate for transmissive-to-black electrochromic devices.
"Dorobek" bibliographic database - record no. 0000092755 ; oai:repolis.bg.polsl.pl:29898
Oct 5, 2015
Sep 29, 2015
Brzeczek, Alina Piwowar, Katarzyna Domagała, Wojciech Mikołajczyk, Mikołaj M. Walczak, Krzysztof Wagner, Paweł
Zassowski, Paweł Golba, Sylwia Skórka, Łukasz Szafaniec-Gorol, Grażyna Matussek, Marek Zych, Dawid Danikiewicz, Witold Krompiec, Stanislaw Łapkowski, Mieczysław Słodek, Aneta Domagała, Wojciech
Nyga, Aleksandra Data, Przemysław. Promotor Blacha-Grzechnik, Agata. Promotor Hiorns, Roger. Recenzent Winkler, Krzysztof. Recenzent Matczyszyn, Katarzyna. Recenzent
Nyga, Aleksandra Data, Przemysław. Promotor Blacha-Grzechnik, Agata. Promotor Hiorns, Roger. Recenzent Winkler, Krzysztof. Recenzent Matczyszyn, Katarzyna. Recenzent
Nyga, Aleksandra Data, Przemysław. Promotor Blacha-Grzechnik, Agata. Promotor Hiorns, Roger. Recenzent Matczyszyn, Katarzyna. Recenzent Winkler, Krzysztof. Recenzent
Brzęczek, Alina Domagała, Wojciech. Promotor Walczak, Krzysztof. Promotor Czaja, Krystyna. Recenzent Polański, Jarosław. Recenzent
Brzęczek, Alina Walczak, Krzysztof. Promotor Domagała, Wojciech. Promotor Czaja, Krystyna. Recenzent Polański, Jarosław. Recenzent
Ledwoń, Przemysław Thomson, Neil Angioni, Enrico Findlay, Neil J. Skabara, Peter J. Domagała, Wojciech