@misc{Jarosz_Tomasz_Multielectrochromism, author={Jarosz, Tomasz and Brzeczek, Alina and Walczak, Krzysztof and Łapkowski, Mieczysław and Domagała, Wojciech}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={Thin films of poly(3-dodecylpyrrole) have been found to yield multi-electrochromic characteristics. Optimisation of the polymer electrodeposition process enabled fabrication of layers exhibiting three distinct colourations at different oxidation levels. Coupled EPR-UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry enabled cor-relation of these colour changes with the formation and decay of polaron and bipolaron charge carriers, offering an insight into the mechanism of doping/dedoping processes taking place in this polymer. The ionisation potential of the polymer was found to be very low, with valence band edge located at -3.7 eV, explaining the relative oxidation ease of the polymer and accounting for an ample number of spins presentin the electrochemically dedoped polymer film. Maximum optical contrast of up to 15% and a visible light range averaged one of 10% was observed. Dynamic colour switching contrast of 10% is attainable at 5 s switching time, while switching steps as short as 0.5 s afford 6% contrast value. The fully oxidised polymer features broad UV-Vis absorption, making the system an interesting candidate for transmissive-to-black electrochromic devices.}, title={Multielectrochromism of redox states of thin electropolymerised films of poly(3-dodecylpyrrole) involving a black coloured state}, keywords={pyrrole, alkylpyrrole, EPR UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry, electrochromism, transmissive to black}, }