@misc{Hąbek_Patrycja_Integrated, author={Hąbek, Patrycja}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents an integrated approach to the product environmental impact at all stages of its life cycle, implemen ‐ ted within the European Union policy to promote sustainable pa Ʃ erns of produc Ɵ on and consump Ɵ on. In the fi rst part of the ar Ɵ cle the author points out the need to separate the interdependence between economic growth and increase of resource consump Ɵ on and nega Ɵ ve environmental impact. Further on, the integrated product policy is discussed with the regard to its genesis, principles and instruments of implementa Ɵ on.}, title={Integrated product policy as an approach supporting sustainable patterns of production and consumption}, keywords={decoupling, product life cycle, European Union policy}, }