@misc{Hąbek_Patrycja_Sprawozdawczość, author={Hąbek, Patrycja and Wolniak, Radosław}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper discusses issues related to the topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. In the first part the authors refer to the role of government policy in this area considering both regulation and voluntary initiatives. The summary of the first part is the characteristics of the four models of government policies supporting the development of CSR reporting. In the second part of the paper the current state of national practices related to CSR reporting is presented. The analysis results are referred to the experience of selected European Union countries.}, title={Sprawozdawczość w zakresie społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Ocena stanu obecnego}, keywords={CSR, sustainability reporting, government policy, European Union countries}, }