@misc{Kafka_Krzysztof_Modele, author={Kafka, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={This work is focused on a very important issue of spatial planning system in action within its practical aspects. After the initial internal and external assumptions one thesis was taken: the crucial factor in the system is cooperation between peoples, social groups, institutions, organisations, administration; all of them was named as the “Spatial planning partakers”. The internal assumptions are concerning the spatial planning’s essence. The taken definition is based on actual theoretical knowledge and first of all on descriptive definitions. The systematic of spatial planning’s processes and procedures is the unique input to the theory. This systematic defines three kinds of planning: strategic, normative and operational one, and three phases: constitutive, adaptive and monitoring in each. The external assumptions are concerning all the other conditions beyond the spatial planning system. They are related with political, economic and social systems. It is a natural environment for spatial planning systems with very strong influence.}, title={Modele współdziałania uczestników planowania przestrzennego}, keywords={spatial planning}, }