@misc{Labus_Agnieszka_Concepts, author={Labus, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, language={eng}, abstract={In the twenty-first century many cities are at risk of losing the ability to function properly, due to progressing demographic changes. This is particularly evident in the European developed countries, where, in the cities, one observes an increasing number of senior citizens and a decreasing number of young people, both facts being the causes of the process of ageing. In modern world, we all depend on cars, while their availability to the elderly may be restricted. This results in the seniors having limited access to city services and other facilities, hindering integration with the rest of the society and exposing them to the risk of social exclusion. Modern cities require rearrangement and renewal so as to satisfy the needs of senior citizens. The purpose of this article is to indicate what actions are taken with reference to the ageing population in selected cities in Poland and what general concepts of urban renewal may be said to emerge out of these actions. The survey of Polish case studies will be compared and contrasted with similar initiatives involving age-friendly urban renewal which have been carried out in Barcelona and London as a part of the Age Friendly Cities project. The author is looking for trends and transformations in contemporary urban development taking place in Polish cities with reference to the aging population, in order to gain knowledge on what is missing in contemporary functional and spatial structure in the city and today’s state of research on the subject.}, title={Concepts of urban renewal in an aging society in the XXI century - case studies in the Polish Cities}, keywords={aging society, urban renewal, Polish case studies}, }