@misc{Labus_Agnieszka_Odnowa, author={Labus, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={European cities in the twenty-first century due to the ageing of the population will entail the need to adapt to the changing needs of residents in the context of an aging population. Population ageing is one of the global trends, which relates primarily to cities in developed countries, including Polish. Notwithstanding the participation of older people in the city, as well as the rate of aging, the city must take action for their renewal. This article attempts to present a typology of cities due to demographic changes. Using the case study method attempts to determine the directions of and concepts of urban renewal in the changes in the functional and spatial structure of different types of urban areas.}, title={Odnowa miast a starzejące się społeczeństwa europejskie na wybranych przykładach}, keywords={urban renewal, aging population, urban typology, case study}, }